WoW: Weitere transphobische, sexistische und rassistische Anspielungen entfernt

WoW: Weitere transphobische, sexistische und rassistische Anspielungen entfernt (4)

Die Entwickler von WoW haben mit dem neuesten Update wieder viele anstößige Inhalte in ihrem MMORPG angepasst. Die Änderungen beziehen sich dieses Mal vornehmlich auf transphobische, sexistische und rassistische Anspielungen.

Die Entwickler von WoW machen weiter mit dem Entfernen von sexistischen, rassistischen und dieses Mal auch transphobischen Anspielungen aus ihrem MMORPG. Außerdem werden einige sexuelle Witze etwas entschärft. Bei den möglicherweise rassistisch aufgefassten Änderungen werden einige Dialoge mit Wörtern wie "Grünhäuter" (Greenskins) abgeändert. Die für WoW-Spieler wohl auffälligste Änderung betrifft den bekannten NPC Finkle Einhorn, der in Pip Quickwit (Deutsch Pip Flitzwitz) umbenannt wird.


  1. Items mit Finkles Namen, die nun umbenannt werden
  2. Änderungen an Dialogen
  3. Grünhäute
  4. Weitere Witze und sexuelle Anspielungen geändert
  5. Abwertender Dialog geändert
  6. Weitere Namen von Entwicklern entfernt
  7. Mac'Aree-Texte werden alle überarbeitet

Pip Flitzwitz

Der Gnom-Abenteurer Finkle Einhorn begibt sich in WoW (jetzt kaufen 14,99 € ) auf gefährliche Missionen und wird von Spielern aus dem Inneren der Bestie in der Oberen Schwarzfelsspitze befreit. In Classic WoW sind einige Gegenstände wie ein Streitkolben und ein besonderer Kürschnerdolch nach ihm benannt. Seinen Namen hat er aus dem Film Ace Ventura - Ein tierischer Detektiv mit Jim Carrey. Im Laufe des Films stellt sich heraus, dass es sich bei zwei Figuren um ein und dieselbe Person handelt - eine Wendung, die weithin als transphobische Beschämung kritisiert wurde.

Items mit Finkles Namen, die nun umbenannt werden

Änderungen an Dialogen

Einige Dialoge, vor allem rund um den NPC Theresa - ein Mensch in Unterstadt, der als "Gedankensklave" gehalten wird - werden angepasst. Der untote NPC Gerard Abernathy experimentiert dort an dem Menschen-Charakter herum und will allerlei obskure Dinge mit ihr anstellen, unter anderem herausfinden, wie Theresa Menschen zeugen kann. All diese Dialoge wurden entfernt. Hier seht ihr jeweils oben den Original-Text und unten den neuen Dialog.

  • Didn't I tell you my new domination techniques would work?
  • Didn't I tell you my new technique would work?
  • A little ritual torture can go a long way.
  • A few well-chosen rituals can go a long way.
  • A little torture, a pinch of magic, and an ample helping of invasive surgery. She was conscious, of course.
  • A little torment, a pinch of magic, and an ample helping of discipline, of course.
  • I managed to discover that certain parts of the brain when removed or stimulated will make a subject much more docile.
  • I managed to discover that certain parts of the brain when stimulated will make a subject much more docile.
  • Amazing! How did you manage a permanent dominate?
  • Amazing! How did you manage to maintain control?
  • Astounding. You managed to dominate her, yet she retains self awareness and function. How did you do it?
  • Astounding. She maintains self sufficiency and function. How did you do it?
  • I've never seen anything like it. No concentration or loss of awareness while the subject is dominated. What did you do to her?
  • I've never seen anything like it. No concentration or loss of awareness. What did you do to her?
  • Very nice, Gerard. Next you will be breeding them.
  • Very nice, Gerard.
  • Your pet is wonderful, Gerard, but she needs a collar with a bell I think.
  • Your pet is wonderful, Gerard.
  • Come here, pretty. You have what I need!
  • Come here, pretty!


Ein Orc in WoW im Charakter-Editor des Pre-Patchs von Shadowlands

Mehrere NPCs in WoW bezeichnen Orcs aufgrund ihrer Hautfarbe als Grünhäute (Greenskins). Dialoge mit diesem Wort werden jetzt enfernt. Möglicherweise, weil das einen rassistischen Unterton hat, einige Wortschnipsel mit "Green Hide" bleiben jedoch bestehen. Eine andere Theorie besagt, dass diese Änderungen vorgenommen wurden, um potenzielle Konflikte mit der Orc- und Goblinrasse der Grünhäute aus der Warhammer-Serie von Games Workshop zu vermeiden, da das Unternehmen dazu neigt, gängige Begriffe als Markenzeichen zu schützen.

NPCs wie Captain Greenskin oder Items wie Erinnerung an Grünhaut und Grünhauts durchnässte Handfesseln behalten ihren Namen ebenfalls.

  • Orcs. It seems I've been fighting them all my life.$B$BTwenty years ago we shattered the Horde and tore down the walls of their Hellfire Citadel. We drove the vile greenskins to the very brink! After that, other than a few skirmishes the broken orcs never again posed a threat to us.$B$BUntil now.
  • Orcs. It seems I've been fighting them all my life.$B$BTwenty years ago we shattered the Horde and tore down the walls of their Hellfire Citadel. We drove the vile barbarians to the very brink! After that, other than a few skirmishes the broken orcs never again posed a threat to us.$B$BUntil now.
  • Here I am, in a rough-hewn stone tower squatting on marshy, muddy ground while clouds of midges fly unchecked through the open doorways, standing amongst hunched, greenskin figures of dubious hygiene and coarse manners. I've never been happier.
  • Here I am, in a rough-hewn stone tower squatting on marshy, muddy ground while clouds of midges fly unchecked through the open doorways, standing amongst hunched, greenish figures of dubious hygiene and coarse manners. I've never been happier.
  • Greenskin... I know why you've come. You will not find allies in my kind for we do not trust you.
  • Little green one... I know why you've come. You will not find allies in my kind for we do not trust you.
  • It's not much, but it just might keep your green skin intact.
  • It's not much, but it just might keep your green hide intact.
  • Hands up, greenskins! My men will give you your new bearing. You try anything funny and we'll fill you with lead.
  • Hands up! My men will give you your new bearing. You try anything funny and we'll fill you with lead.
  • What manner of creature are you? <The pandaren pauses, her eyes growing wide.> My... look at that gorgeous green skin!
  • What manner of creature are you? <The pandaren pauses, her eyes growing wide.> My... I've never seen anyone like you before!
  • High Perch belongs to the Horde. Or should I say... the "green-skins".
  • High Perch belongs to the Horde.
  • You dare invade Stromgarde, rightful home of the Trollbanes? Get out of my sight, green-skin.
  • You dare invade Stromgarde, rightful home of the Trollbanes? Get out of my sight!
  • "Green-skin"? Ohoho... now you've made me mad.
  • Ohoho... now you've made me mad.

Weitere Witze und sexuelle Anspielungen geändert

WoW: Weitere transphobische, sexistische und rassistische Anspielungen entfernt (4)

Zu den bereits 73 anstößigen Witzen und sexuellen Sprüchen gesellen sich weitere hinzu. Oben seht ihr jeweils den alten und darunter den neuen Text.

  • So I said, "Yeah, but that'll cost you extra."
  • So I said, "You can't afford me."
  • Five seconds. I'm not kidding!
  • It's always over so quickly.
  • He asked if the imp could join in--can you believe it? Actually, it wasn't half bad....
  • I can't help but tell them I'm out of their league.
  • They fall asleep after. Me, I fall asleep during....
  • Is it too much to ask for a little excitement?
  • I've been very, very naughty....
  • Someone's been very naughty!
  • Enough foreplay. Let's get down to business.
  • Let's get down to business.
  • It's a great assignment, yeah, but "all looking and no touching" gets old after a while.
  • This really is a great assignment. Everyone is so stunning!
  • I believe I was showing my motorcycle to some hot babes at the time.
  • I believe I was showing my motorcycle to some fans of mine at the time.
  • Go water my Huge Melons, further down the path!
  • Go water my Melons, further down the path!
  • Water my Huge Melons!
  • Water my Melons!
  • Yes! A song about the lore and all the lessons we can learn from it all. Sounds exciting, doesn't it?$b$bBut... we're still working on it. Chadrik seems easily distracted lately. Is there something on my tabard?
  • Yes! A song about the lore and all the lessons we can learn from it all. Sounds exciting, doesn't it?$b$bBut... we're still working on it.
  • Greetings, $r. I am the sworn protector of Watcher Megana. She has special gifts that I... uh, our leaders... greatly admire, and must be guarded closely.
  • Greetings, $r. I am the sworn protector of Watcher Megana.

Abwertender Dialog geändert

Einige Texte, die Frauen und feminine Männer abwerten, wurde geändert. Der legendäre Blutelf aus Cataclysm Johnny Imba wird von NPC Apothekermeister Lydon als Frau bezeichnet.

  • You want to know why women are no-good? Because you think that all they're doing is calling upon the spirits of the dead. But then, you catch them doing a little more than talking! I mean, how does that even work with a ghost?
  • They told me that after I died I'd pay my dues for all the wrong I did in life. Doesn't sound like a fun time. Why don't you bring me back so I won't have to go through that ugliness?
  • Somebody shut this little girl up!
  • Somebody shut him up!
  • Do you want a dolly, little girl? Would that make it better?
  • Do you want a tissue, boy? Would that make it better?

Weitere Namen von Entwicklern entfernt

Texte mit Entwicklern wie Mc'Cree (Mac'Aree) wurden bereits angepasst. Nun folgen weitere Entwicklernamen wie Kaplan, Metzen und weitere. Bei den folgenden Beispielen handelt es sich um Easter Eggs, die nur in dämonischer Sprache lesbar waren und übersetzt werden mussten:

  • Jeffrey Kaplan! Tom Chilton! Rob Pardo!
  • More! More souls for the Legion!
  • Justin Thavirat! Roman Kenney! Our entire awesome art and animation team!
  • The bones feed my power!
  • The Naaru can not save you now!
  • Pat Nagle! World design team! Cory Stockton, Paul C., Jim Chadwick, Staats, Ed Hanes, Morris, Gotcher, Jesse!, Sarah B., Victor C., Dave A.! All of our amazing exterior artists!
  • None will be spared!

Mac'Aree-Texte werden alle überarbeitet

  • On Argus, Mac'Aree was the most sacred of our cities.$B$BWould you believe me if I told you that the walkways were lined with precious minerals? That the rivers glittered even in complete darkness?$B$BI long for those days... How long has it been? A thousand years? Ten-thousand?
  • On Argus, Eredath was the most sacred of our cities.$B$BWould you believe me if I told you that the walkways were lined with precious minerals? That the rivers glittered even in complete darkness?$B$BI long for those days... How long has it been? A thousand years? Ten-thousand?
  • This place is nothing compared to Mac'Aree, and soon it will burn with hellfire just the same.
  • This place is nothing compared to Eredath, and soon it will burn with hellfire just the same.
  • Mac'Aree was once the pinnacle of eredar civilization.
  • Eredath was once the pinnacle of eredar civilization.
  • My brothers abandoned their shards when Sargeras arrived. They are still here, in Mac'Aree.
  • My brothers abandoned their shards when Sargeras arrived. They are still here, in Eredath.
  • This is not how I thought I would spend my time in Mac'Aree.
  • This is not how I thought I would spend my time in Eredath.
  • We have many unanswered questions about my brethren's fall to madness here in Mac'Aree. Bring me any memory crystals you find and I will continue my research.
  • We have many unanswered questions about my brethren's fall to madness here in Eredath. Bring me any memory crystals you find and I will continue my research.

WoW: Weitere transphobische, sexistische und rassistische Anspielungen entfernt (1) 

  • The darkness that lingers in the temple... the shadow that looms over all of Mac'Aree... is L'ura.
  • The darkness that lingers in the temple... the shadow that looms over all of Eredath... is L'ura.
  • The remaining fragments may still be here, on Argus. We must go to Mac'Aree where my brothers and I once ruled.
  • The remaining fragments may still be here, on Argus. We must go to Eredath where my brothers and I once ruled.
  • I am afraid our continued presence on Mac'Aree has awoken more angry spirits. Help them find peace.
  • I am afraid our continued presence on Eredath has awoken more angry spirits. Help them find peace.
  • The Legion's forces occupy the estates of Mac'Aree. Activate the nobles' vigilants to help with the battle. No doubt their power crystals have been stolen by the eredar.
  • The Legion's forces occupy the estates of Eredath. Activate the nobles' vigilants to help with the battle. No doubt their power crystals have been stolen by the eredar.
  • The Legion seeks to claim a foothold on Mac'Aree. Disrupt their forces any way you can. Give them a mess to clean up.
  • The Legion seeks to claim a foothold on Eredath. Disrupt their forces any way you can. Give them a mess to clean up.
  • Forces from Antorus are using the remains of Talgath's portals to stage another invasion on Mac'Aree. Stop their advance before we are overrun.
  • Forces from Antorus are using the remains of Talgath's portals to stage another invasion on Eredath. Stop their advance before we are overrun.
  • You bought us valuable time, but we must remain vigilant. So long as the Legion knows we have a foothold on Mac'Aree, they will not relent.
  • You bought us valuable time, but we must remain vigilant. So long as the Legion knows we have a foothold on Eredath, they will not relent.
  • Antorus demands its prize! Mac'Aree will be ours!
  • Antorus demands its prize! Eredath will be ours!
  • Your lives are forfeit, should we fail. Secure Mac'Aree!
  • Your lives are forfeit, should we fail. Secure Eredath!
  • Mac'Aree... this is all that is left.
  • Eredath... this is all that is left.
  • I've sent scouts to gauge the extent of the Legion's incursion into Mac'Aree, but they have not returned. Please find them and give aid... if they yet live.
  • I've sent scouts to gauge the extent of the Legion's incursion into Eredath, but they have not returned. Please find them and give aid... if they yet live.
  • Hold, Prophet. I have scouted the area. The shadows grip Mac'Aree more tightly than you know.
  • Hold, Prophet. I have scouted the area. The shadows grip Eredath more tightly than you know.
  • So many draenei traditions were lost during our long journey. The spirits of Mac'Aree have not forgotten. They practice the ritual combat of Jed'hin even now. Perhaps they will welcome a new challenger!
  • So many draenei traditions were lost during our long journey. The spirits of Eredath have not forgotten. They practice the ritual combat of Jed'hin even now. Perhaps they will welcome a new challenger!
  • I would not worry too much about their heads. Only males with the thickest crests choose to compete, and these are the best Mac'Aree has to offer.
  • I would not worry too much about their heads. Only males with the thickest crests choose to compete, and these are the best Eredath has to offer.
  • Mac'Aree... it looks just like how I remember it. The forests, the hills, the herds of talbuk...$b$bI wonder if my old workshop is still down there. Do you think if you had a moment, you could ...?$b$bForgive me. You have much more important things to do. Let me know when you are ready to go to the surface.
  • Eredath... it looks just like how I remember it. The forests, the hills, the herds of talbuk...$b$bI wonder if my old workshop is still down there. Do you think if you had a moment, you could ...?$b$bForgive me. You have much more important things to do. Let me know when you are ready to go to the surface.
  • Have you seen Prophet Velen's new dance? He calls it the Mac'Areena.
  • Have you seen Prophet Velen's new dance?
  • With Alleria's teaching, we can avoid the fate suffered by those on Mac'Aree.
  • With Alleria's teaching, we can avoid the fate suffered by those on Eredath.
  • Sold! A Big Love Rocket to the lovely lady for 1,412 gold! She will certainly be the talk of the town now!
  • Sold! A mint condition X-45 Heartbreaker to the lovely lady for 1,412 gold! She will certainly be the talk of the town now!

Quelle: Buffed